We are Jayce and Matt, a very proud, happily married couple living and working in the South Burnett. We absolutely love the region and feel like this has always been our home, we just didn't know it yet. We are the founders of our small business Siratsa Pty. Ltd.
We were not born into farm life like many families in the area, we both had other careers and only recently in the last 4 years we decided to follow our passions rather than just continue to work in an industry that is highly taxing on your mental health, physical health, emotions and relationships.
Before deciding to become farmers and move to the South Burnett to pursue those dreams, we had a combined nearly 30 years of medical training and practical work as an Emergency Paramedic and Registered Nurse. Working in a plethora of Australia’s and New Zealand's most prestigious advanced and leading research Hospitals. As a Registered Nurse Matt also
specialised in infectious disease, Critical Care and a Post Graduate Degree in Emergency Nursing. In addition to that, he also has a Certificate in Rural Chemotherapy Administration and also a Certified Immunisation (Vaccination) Nurse. Jayce, after leaving his role as an Emergency Paramedic, decided to work in Radiology and Mental Health. The combined skills that they have, have proved invaluable in running a successful horse breeding program since 2018 which they love. Their skill-sets learned and adopted have been well cemented with protocols of "Best Practice" that they have had to adhere to whilst working successfully in the Healthcare sector for so long. They apply similar Best Practice protocols to their farm and agriculture production, to ensure optimal produce with minimal use of chemical herbicides and pesticides.
We would like to thank everyone for supporting us and our local small business. We have lots of exciting new produce in our expansion plans and we can't wait to share it all with you. We want everyone to be able to buy themselves and families good quality, nutritious, farm fresh produce at affordable, realistic prices. We cant wait to get our roadside stall back up and running before Christmas 2024, after a vandal attack a couple of months ago.
We are hoping to put a monthly newletter together with exciting new products, flavour packed recipes and exclusive content about everything happing at Siratsa.
So, if you would like an update directly in your Inbox please submit your email today. We would love to have you as a part of our Siratsa Selections Family!